Welcome to mofumofu.me
 Susucoin Mining Pool
  • Minimum payout: 0.1 SUSU / 最低支払額: 0.1 SUSU
  • Payment interval: 10 min. / 支払間隔: 10分
  • Pool Fee: 1 % / 支払手数料: 1 %
  • Payment method: PROP / 支払方法: PROP
Last updates / お知らせ
  • Dec/19/2018 Ready to support HF planned on Dec 21th.
  • Aug/01/2018 Changed the difficulty for ASIC.
  • Jul/31/2018 Changed the fee to 1.0%.
  • Jul/25/2018 We plan to change the fee to 1.0% on July 31.
  • Jul/24/2018 Add a port 3345 for NiceHash.
Pool and Network Stats / プール・ネットワーク詳細
 Coin: Susucoin
 Miners Online: 1
 Workers Online: 1
 Pool Hash: 111.67 GH/s
 Pool Fee: 1 %
 Min Pay: 0.1 SUSU
 Block Height: 1493403
 Network Hash: 0 H/s
 Difficulty: 2802.794740675192
 Node Connections: 17
 Daemon: /SusucoinCore:
 Luck: 0.00 Seconds
Susucoin Minerd Settings / マイニング設定
Username: {your Susucoin address}.{worker name}
Algorithm: sha256d
CPU (diff. 0.1): stratum+tcp://susu.mofumofu.me:3341
GPU (diff. 1): stratum+tcp://susu.mofumofu.me:3342
High-End (diff. 10): stratum+tcp://susu.mofumofu.me:3343
ASIC/Cloud (diff. 100): stratum+tcp://susu.mofumofu.me:3344
NiceHash (diff. 1000000): stratum+tcp://susu.mofumofu.me:3345
CPU: minerd -a sha256d -o stratum+tcp://susu.mofumofu.me:3341 -u {Address}.{Worker}
GPU: ccminer -a sha256d -o stratum+tcp://susu.mofumofu.me:3342 -u {Address}.{Worker}
NiceHash: ALGO: SHA256 STRATUM: susu.mofumofu.me PORT:3345 USER: {Address} PASS: #
Servers Infomation / サーバー情報
 United States
 San Jose
 DDoS Protected
 High spec CPUs
 Large capacity RAM
 High speed storage
 DDoS Protected
 High spec CPUs
 Large capacity RAM
 High speed storage
 DDoS Protected
 High spec CPUs
 Large capacity RAM
 High speed storage
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